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Saint Paul College A Community & Technical College

Frequently Asked Questions about College Access & Security Fee (Parking)

Why do I have to pay for College Access & Security (Parking)?

The Legislature of the State of Minnesota and the MnSCU Board of Trustees established policies stating all users of facilities that include parking at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities must pay a fee for parking. The parking fee must cover all costs associated with the parking operations of the College as stated in MN State Board Policy 7.3 and Procedure 7.3.5. The College Access & Security Fee (Parking) at Saint Paul College covers costs associated with parking, safety, access, lighting, and facilities infrastructure.

Who do I see about parking issues?

The parking office is located inside Office Suite 1401, room 1401C. Office hours are typically from 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday - Thursday and 7:00am – 3:00pm on Friday. The parking office can be reached by email or by calling 651.846.1797. For after-hours assistance, please contact Public Safety at 651.846.1322.

What is contract parking?

If you have an active parking access card issued by Saint Paul College, you are considered contract parking. You can access any entrance or exit in the parking system.

Where to park

Can I park anywhere in the lot?

Students can park in any unrestricted or undesignated parking area. A state-issued handicap permit is required for all spaces marked for handicap parking only. There can be no parking in fire lanes, blocking building entrances or sidewalks/crosswalks. Citations will be issued for parking violations, chronic offenders of the parking policy may be subject to student discipline, as stated in the Student Code of Conduct. If necessary, citations will be sent to the State of Minnesota Department of Revenue for collection.

Is motorcycle parking available?

Yes, motorcycle parking is available in the designated parking area accessed off of the Kellogg Blvd. entrance. The entrance can be used by access card holders and visitors. The cement motorcycle parking area is located to the left of the Kellogg Blvd. entrance in the lower lot.

Entering/Exiting the parking Lot

If I get into the exit lane and cannot pay or the machine is broken, what do I do?

Press the intercom button on the exit device to contact the on duty parking attendant, Office of Public Safety or the parking office. If the intercom is busy, call 651.846.1322 for assistance.

When do I need to present my parking access card: when I enter or when I exit?

Contract parkers (people using the parking access card) can come in on Marshall Avenue, Kellogg Blvd. or the entrance along Concordia Avenue. You will need to present your parking access card upon entry and again when you leave. If the parking access card is not presented when you leave, the parking system will think you are still in the lot and it will deny you access the next time you try to enter.

If you do not have a parking access card, you will need to pull a short-term parking access ticket at the Marshall Avenue or Kellogg Blvd. entrances. Upon leaving campus, you can pay by credit card at any of the exits located on Marshall Avenue or Concordia Avenue. Cash is not accepted at any exit lane. In order to pay by cash, you must use the pay on foot machine located in the lobby of level P3 of the parking ramp. Upon payment you will be issued a voucher to insert at any parking gate and exit within 20 minutes.

Visitor and Short-term parking

If I am a visitor, how and where do I pay?

If you are a visitor, you may enter the parking lot through the entrances on Marshall Avenue or the entrance on Kellogg Blvd. Before the gate will open, you must press the ticket button and a short-term parking access ticket will be issued at the gate. This short-term parking access ticket will state the time and day that you arrived. When exiting, you will need to pay with cash or credit card. You can pay by credit card at any of the exits located on Marshall Avenue or Concordia Avenue. Cash is not accepted at any exit lane. In order to pay by cash, you must use the pay on foot machine located in the lobby of level P3 of the parking ramp. Upon payment you will be issued a voucher to insert at any parking gate and exit within 20 minutes.

What are the parking rates for visitors?

  • Under 20 minutes: Free
  • 20-59 minutes: $1.00
  • 60-179 minutes: $3.00
  • 180 minutes and over: $5.00

Can I just pay the daily visitor fee if I only drive to school once in a while?

Students and employees are already assessed a per credit fee to park on campus and should only use a parking access card to enter and exit the parking lot.

Visitors can pay for parking by obtaining a short-term parking access ticket at the Marshall Avenue or Kellogg Blvd. parking entrances.

How much does it cost to park if I lose my short-term parking access ticket that I got at the gate when I entered the parking lot?


Parking Access Card

Where do I get my parking access card?

Your student Photo ID is also your parking access card and can be obtained by visiting One Stop during their regular office hours. There is no cost to obtaining your initial photo ID, but you must provide a valid government issued photo ID and current class schedule prior to being issued a College photo ID.

How much does it cost to replace a lost or stolen parking access card?

$15.00 for each replacement card.

Parking rates/payment for access card

Are individuals charged per occurrence or per credit?

Parking is based on a per credit rate. The per credit rate is currently $9.33.

Does everyone pay the same amount?

The parking fees were established according to Board Policy and the State of Minnesota collective bargaining agreements. Per credit fees were established and set by the Student Senate so that full-time students and full-time employees who park on campus pay the same rate.

Can I get a reduced rate if we car pool?

There are no reduced rates for carpooling because the parking fee is assessed per person per credit enrolled.

What if I paid for a parking access card and I drop all my courses during the drop/add period?

If all courses are dropped during the drop/add period, then you will be entitled to a refund on your parking access card charges.

Will I be charged an additional fee if I come to school, leave and come back again on the same day?

No. The parking access card allows you to enter and exit the parking lot as many times as you need to in a single day for no additional charge. If you do not have a parking access card and are pulling a short-term visitor parking ticket, you will need to pay the applicable hourly rate each time you leave.

Parking Violations

What is the penalty if I park in a restricted area?

A $50 parking citation will be issued.

If I get a parking citation, what is the process?

Payment is to be directed to the Tuition Office and requires a copy of the citation. Payment is due fifteen (15) business days from the date the citation was issued. Checks are to be made payable to Saint Paul College. You may appeal your citation within fifteen (15) business days from the date the citation was issued. Appeal forms are available on the College website and can be found at The form must be filled out completely to be considered. If you fail to pay your parking citation(s), the fine(s) will be placed on your student record. If the ticket goes unpaid, a hold will be placed on your account and you will be unable to get a copy of your transcript or register until the fine is paid. Unpaid tickets will be processed through the college’s normal collection process and the debt may be submitted to Minnesota Department of Revenue for collection.

It is mandatory that all motor vehicles parked on Saint Paul College campus use the parking access system to go in and out of the parking lot.

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